The state of digital identity in North America
Tuesday 08 March 2022
by FTT Team
North America’s digital identity landscape Identity systems across North America have not evolved for a digital world. Most online services still rely on physical documents such as passports and drivers licences – used by 80% of American adults – as a root of trust. Verifying that a credential is genuine and belongs to the individual
Tagged under:
digital identity, financial services, Government, identity standards, innovation, interoperability, North America, policy, Splash, standards, Technology
Future Identity 2021: An interview with Aruba Government
Tuesday 08 February 2022
by FTT Team
- Published in Community, Community & Events, Content
Driving adoption of Digital Identity – FID Festival 2021
Tuesday 14 December 2021
by FTT Team
With digitisation, comes changing user behaviour, increased risk, and an evolving regulatory landscape. The need for trusted digital identity is clear, but which factors will drive widespread adoption across different sectors? How can digital identity solutions gain user trust, by keeping in mind privacy, data protection and ease of use? Which solutions will gain support
Tagged under:
#FID2021, digital identity, financial services, Future Identity, Government, identity standards, Splash, Technology, travel
Toward a European digital identity
Tuesday 14 September 2021
by Laura Camplisson
Ana Isabel Segovia, Digital Regulation Manager at BBVA, explores the latest developments in a European digital identity system. Last June the European Union announced the future creation of digital identity wallets as part of a change in its electronic identification regulations. The measure represents a major step forward in the harmonization of identity systems in
- Published in Content
Tagged under:
citizen ID, digital identity, financial institutions, Government, interoperability, Regulation, Splash
Will banks take the lead in building a digital identity ecosystem?
Tuesday 27 April 2021
by Laura Camplisson
FTT Identity 2021 began with a big question – which entities will act as the guardians of our digital identities? The opening panel brought together an expert group well placed to tackle this complex debate, representing between them financial services, government, telecoms and the identity industry. They considered whether responsibility would fall to national governments,
- Published in Content, Featured, Fintech, FinTECHTalents, Innovation, Opinion, Start-ups
Tagged under:
#FTTIdentity21, Collaboration, digital identity, financial services, Government, interoperability, Splash