FinTech of the Week – unblu
Wednesday 20 February 2019
by Our Community
In the lead up to FinTECHTalents – Generation 2019 – every week we will showcase one of our awesome, inaugural FinTech Stories companies. unblu is the FinTECHTalents FinTech of the Week This week we bring you – unblu. Secure engagement & collaboration software. unblu helps banks and insurance companies to support, sell and advise their
- Published in AI/Machine Learning, Customer Experience, Featured, Fintech, FinTech of the Week, Fintech of the week, FinTECHTalents, Innovation
Tagged under:
#FTT18, ai, artificial intelligence, fintech, FinTech conference, fintech event, innovation, machine learning, Splash, Start-up, tech, tech demo, tech provider, Technology, unblu
FinTech of the Week – YellowDog
Thursday 07 February 2019
by Our Community
In the lead up to FinTECHTalents – Generation 2019 – every week we will showcase one of our awesome, inaugural FinTech Stories companies. YellowDog is the FinTECHTalents FinTech of the Week This week we bring you – YellowDog. YellowDog harnesses available and underutilised computers in the cloud in order to unleash unlimited computing power to
- Published in AI/Machine Learning, Data Privacy, Featured, Fintech, FinTech of the Week, Fintech of the week, FinTECHTalents, Innovation, Risk, Security, Start-ups
Tagged under:
#FTT18, ai, artificial intelligence, fintech, FinTech conference, fintech event, innovation, machine learning, Splash, Start-up, tech, tech demo, tech provider, Technology, YellowDog
Jaroona aims to protect our blockchains
Thursday 18 October 2018
by Our Community
Christian Bacher, Co-Founder & CEO at Jaroona, talks us through how blockchain will offer ‘profound and diverse’ benefits to our society and how those benefits need protection from malicious vendors. While his technology is forward looking, Bacher’s beer is more traditional, preferring to savour a European draft lager. What does Jaroona do – what problem are you
- Published in Blockchain, Data Privacy, Featured, Fintech, Innovation, Security
Making better investment decisions: Giving your gut feeling a rational assessment
Monday 17 September 2018
by FTT Team
Berlin-based YUKKA Lab uses AI, machine learning and neural networks to analyse hundreds of thousands of pieces of data and news sources – giving financial professionals the tools for more strategic decision making. There are many ways financial data and news is delivered to clients – what sets YUKKA Lab apart? We make complicated and
- Published in AI/Machine Learning, Featured, Fintech, Innovation, Start-ups
Back to School – Here come the students!
Thursday 06 September 2018
by Lisa Moyle
When the nights draw in and the last of the summer gin is emptied, our thoughts drift from holidays and playtime, towards projects, work and planning for the future. Come September, most of us, in essence, are headed back to school. Whether your school is covered in ivy or simply the school of life –
- Published in AI/Machine Learning, Blockchain, Blog, Diversity and Inclusion, Employment, Featured, Fintech, Innovation, Robotics, Start-ups
Tagged under:
ai, banks, blockchain, Computer Science, fintech, FinTECHTalents, robotics, Splash, Startups, Students, Talent, University
It’s all about the ‘bots – A FinTECHTalents Snapshot Survey
Wednesday 22 August 2018
by Lisa Moyle
As the summer of 2018 comes to an end, we have gone to our community once again to see how they feel about the encroaching tide of automation, artificial intelligence and ‘bots. Whether they are advising you on your investments or chatting with you via a customer service inquiry – chatbots, AI and robo-anything is settling
- Published in AI/Machine Learning, Blog, Customer Experience, Fintech, Innovation, Robotics
Tech talent and beer: FinTECHTalents fundamentals
Tuesday 31 July 2018
by FTT Team
Pushing the boundaries and making the magic happen – we speak with Dr. Rob McInerney, CEO and Co-founder of Intelligent Layer, about the intersection of AI and design and creating the optimal FinTECHTalents Festival beer. Tech, talent and customer satisfaction: our philosophies are truly in sync. Tell us about what we can expect from the
- Published in Innovation, Start-ups
Exciting technology holds great promise for solving great challenges
Thursday 19 July 2018
by FTT Team
Robotics, blockchain, and Japanese management culture have all fascinated Mitesh Soni, Senior Director, Innovation and Fintech at Finastra. Today we pick the mind of our newest FinTECHTalents Steering Committee member, as our community looks forward to creating a future that better serves stakeholders across the economy. He gives his views on planning a career, what
- Published in Blockchain, Diversity and Inclusion, Employment, Fintech, Innovation, Robotics
AI and ethics: transparency in insurance
Monday 12 March 2018
by FTT Team
Award-winning insurtech company, Spixii, explores the three features the insurance industry must consider to ensure AI better protects individuals and restores the trust between insurance companies and their customers.
- Published in AI/Machine Learning, Insurtech
AI and ethics: the ultimate Faustian bargain?
Wednesday 07 February 2018
by FTT Team
Award-winning insurtech company, Spixii discusses AI and its potential ethical problems in risk modelling.
- Published in AI/Machine Learning, Insurtech