As we move towards a period of uncertainty where the most basic of human instincts, connecting face-to-face to learn and explore collaboration may be curtailed for a number of weeks or even months. Large scale events, such as the Mobile World Congress and SXSW, have been put on hold, which has caused a certain amount of concern and anxiety. However, we believe there is a way to move forwards with composure, integrity and transparency. Here are our thoughts.
It is all about business continuity.
There are a number of ways to promote community engagement and the amplification of your strategic message:
- Focus on content syndication, such as blog posts, opinion pieces and video content to demonstrate thought leadership and position your expertise
- Develop content-led digital reports to drive lead generation
- Amplify your content across social media channels
- Partner with community builders to re purpose existing content and enhance your reach
- Prioritise smaller gatherings such as a bespoke breakfast or lunchtime round tables
- Explore the idea of virtual events
Here’s a recent Vox Pop report we’ve produced alongside GitHub to give you a flavour of potential avenues: Is the Future of Finserv Opensource?
‘Social distancing’ need not mean social isolation. We will continue to work to find creative ways of keeping our community connected and support our clients and partners.
We look forward to staying in touch and in the meantime please check out our brand new FinTECHTalents community page.
The show must go on!