Home Sweet Home, Home is where the Heart is, an Englishmen’s Home is his Castle – there are many an age-old phrase to convey the warmth, stability and protection that comes from owning your own home. Home is the soft light at the end of a cold dark day. Home is the place your children sleep, play, and grow. Your home contains your knickknacks, expensive jewellery, and monthly wine subscription. It is the stage on which many of us live our lives.
Now think about the process to obtain the mortgage that enabled you to own that home. Have all those warm feelings flown out your double-glazed windows?
Recently, KPMG released findings from a survey of the mortgage market in the UK, Australia, and Canada. The report – The evolution of the mortgage market – Winning the fight for customers – lists ‘issue resolution and empathy’ as the most important attributes of their desired customer experience – but ones that have the largest gap between expectation and reality.
Over the past few years, it has not been uncommon to hear someone declare on stage or in a blog post that ‘no one wants to take out a mortgage – they want to buy a home’. The paperwork, stress, dragging timelines and branch visits make obtaining that mortgage an unpleasant experience for most people.
The path to ‘owning your own home’ has been under constant evolution over the past few years. How can the humble ‘mortgage product’ be made more suitable for a 21st Century World?
This is what we will discuss during our Society Discussion – Mortgages powered by Digital at FTT Lending 3.0 on Feb 24th.
Our Rockstar speakers:
- Vicki Harris Chief Commercial Officer at Kensington Mortgages
- Alex Beavis, Head of Mortgage Products, Skipton Building Society
- Stephen Brown, Head of Intermediaries, Scottish Building Society
Will discuss:
- Is the traditional mortgage still fit for purpose in the 21st Century?
- How can you include ‘empathy’ in a mortgage product?
- How have customer behaviours changed over the past few decades?
- How has the global pandemic affected mortgages?
- Does the memory of buying your first property fill your heart with joy?
- How will we, as a society, enable home ownership in the next 20, 50 or 100 years?
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