The JSN (Jaroona Security Node) is a revolutionary new blockchain node that acts as an automated, distributed real-time cybersecurity guardian.

Fintech Stories

“Just in the first half of 2018 over a billion dollars was stolen from blockchain and crypto exchanges – so it is a serious problem that needs special attention,” says Christian Bacher, Co-Founder & CEO at Jaroona. “It needs a specialised a security solution that is specifically designed for the blockchain environment, for distributed environment as well for the IoT environment.”

Fintech Sit-down

“The biggest challenge I see is to attract the right talent, says Christian Bacher, Co-Founder & CEO at Jaroona. “Also, to build the bridge between the concept and business…to move the startup from the idea, from the initial concept to actually creating value in the business, creating revenue and providing meaningful value to corporations and businesses.”

Jaroona aims to protect our blockchains

Christian Bacher, Co-Founder & CEO at Jaroona, talks us through how blockchain will offer ‘profound and diverse’ benefits to our society and how those benefits need protection from malicious vendors.


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