BankiFi’s Founding partner Conny Dorrestijn discusses Open Banking and how the entire FinTech ecosystem – banks, new FinTech entrants – can work together to support consumers and SMEs alike.
“Two years ago we were all very excited about banks being very cool and having these brilliant app stores where you could shop for everything,” says Dorrestijn. “I think very soon people will get very weary and tired of hopping through a jungle of apps and I think in a funny way we’ll see a real resurrection of the bank channel. But, in the old days, it was a crippling thing because banks were sort of copying everything they did in one channel on to the next so they were having four times the costs for a customer picking one of the four. We now have technology that literally hosts the same thing in all of the channels at the same time. I think that’s where you become relevant.”
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